
Park Project Complete!

The Horton Emerson Park project has been completed—at least, for now. We hope the project team will continue to work with the Select Board to keep the park in tip-top condition. But they may need some help from time to time for weeding, clean-up and repairs.

South St. Improvement Grant Application Filed

The Town of Blue Hill has filed an application with MaineDOT for $400,000 of state/federal funds (to match a $100,000 local contribution by the Town) toward the redevelopment of South St. between the rotary and The Bay School.

If approved, the funds would be available in 2020.

Fingers crossed…

For those who are interested, the application as filed can be downloaded from the following links:



Grant Awarded for Horton Emerson Park

The volunteer effort to landscape Horton Emerson Park on Water St. will move to the next step, since the Brooklin Garden Club has awarded a $450 grant to support the effort.

Volunteers led by Val Libby will be on site over the next month or two to work their magic!

Thank you to the Brooklin Garden Club and the local volunteers providing the skill (and muscle) to make it happen.

WORD Project Approved

The BHCD Board has approved sponsorship of WORD: The Blue Hill Literary Festival. This event is held annually in the fall, but there’s a lot of preparatory (and some follow-up) work that takes place during the rest of the year.

  • Sponsored Projects (active)

  • Sponsored Projects (complete)