
South Street Project Team Requests Donations

The effort to obtain a Federal grant under the state’s “Bicycle and Pedestrian Program” to make South Street more walkable and bikeable continues to move ahead.

One aspect of the approval process was that the project team indicated that they would make an effort to offset the cost of the Town’s matching funds (20%) with private donations.

A letter and connectivity map was mailed this week to all Blue Hill residents making the case for individual donations. Although the letter did not specify a deadline, the plan is to provide all donated funds to the Town in early 2020.

2019 Pioneer Prizes Awarded

The Pioneer Prize, a BHCD-sponsored software development contest for high school-aged teens in the Blue Hill Peninsula, announced its 2019 winners last week.

This year’s winners are Sam Bach, and a team project by Millicent Fleming and Chloe Sheahan. Information on their projects will be posted shortly on the Pioneer Prize website[no longer active].

The Pioneer Prize seeks to foster software coding skills to expand the learning and earning opportunities for young people in the Blue Hill area. The sponsors expect to offer the Prize again in 2020; details and deadlines will be posted on the Pioneer Prize website[no longer active] when available (most likely later this summer).

Blue Hill Maritime Heritage Festival Sponsored

Blue Hill Community Development will act as fiscal sponsor for a planned celebration of Blue Hill’s maritime heritage, to be conducted as part of the statewide activities planned around Maine’s bicentennial.

Festival planning is off to a rapid start, moving from concept to advanced planning in a matter of weeks.

For more information on the Festival planning and the Festival itself, please visit the Blue Hill Maritime Heritage Festival website.

  • Sponsored Projects (active)

  • Sponsored Projects (complete)