
South St. Sidewalk Comments Solicited by DOT

MaineDOT has posted an “on-demand public meeting” on its website with respect to the proposed project to construct a sidewalk on South Street from Tradewinds to the Bay School.


The scope of the proposed project was reduced from building sidewalks on both sides of the street due to higher project costs estimated by MaineDOT and the $400,000 maximum size of the grant awarded to cover 80% of the cost. (The Town of Blue Hill has previously voted to appropriate $100,000, representing the 20% local contribution to the project.)

The link to view the video and provide comments to MaineDOT is available for both desktop and mobile users.

Pioneer Prize 2021 Schedule Announced

Pioneer Prize 2021, a Blue Hill Community Development-sponsored project, is well underway, with several Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Isle students already entered.

Prize sponsors are holding several group sessions (socially distanced, of course) to share insights on design and coding techniques, and local mentors with technical skills are offered to each entrant/team.

The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2021, and it is anticipated that the winners will be announced on June 10, 2021.

Good luck to all of the entrants!

Read more about the Pioneer Prize competition.

Maine Arts Commission Grant to Word

The Maine Arts Commission has awarded Word, a BHCD-sponsored project, a $2,350 grant to support Word’s activities. The Maine Arts Commission is an independent state agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Word has an excellent track record of identifying, and successfully applying for, grants and awards to support its festival and other programs.

Congratulations again, Word volunteers!

“Word” Grant Awarded

Word, the Blue Hill literary festival fiscally sponsored by BHCD, has been awarded an $8,000 grant from the Charles T. & Marion M. Thompson Foundation.

Word’s worthy efforts, which include an annual literary festival and several other events at other times of the year, have been recognized and supported by several grantors over the years.

Congratulations to the Word volunteers on continued festival success!

  • Sponsored Projects (active)

  • Sponsored Projects (complete)