Pioneer Prize


The Pioneer Prize was established in 2017 to provide a substantial ($5,000) award to a Blue Hill Peninsula high school-aged student who develops a computer-related project judged to be the best among all entries.

BHCD supports The Pioneer Prize by acting as fiscal sponsor and accepting donations to fund the prize amount.

Pioneer Prize 2021 Schedule Announced

Pioneer Prize 2021, a Blue Hill Community Development-sponsored project, is well underway, with several Blue Hill Peninsula and Deer Isle students already entered.

Prize sponsors are holding several group sessions (socially distanced, of course) to share insights on design and coding techniques, and local mentors with technical skills are offered to each entrant/team.

The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2021, and it is anticipated that the winners will be announced on June 10, 2021.

Good luck to all of the entrants!

Read more about the Pioneer Prize competition.

2019 Pioneer Prizes Awarded

The Pioneer Prize, a BHCD-sponsored software development contest for high school-aged teens in the Blue Hill Peninsula, announced its 2019 winners last week.

This year’s winners are Sam Bach, and a team project by Millicent Fleming and Chloe Sheahan. Information on their projects will be posted shortly on the Pioneer Prize website[no longer active].

The Pioneer Prize seeks to foster software coding skills to expand the learning and earning opportunities for young people in the Blue Hill area. The sponsors expect to offer the Prize again in 2020; details and deadlines will be posted on the Pioneer Prize website[no longer active] when available (most likely later this summer).

  • Sponsored Projects (active)

  • Sponsored Projects (complete)