April 8 Town Meeting: Vote “YES” on Article #58

We need your help to complete the Town of Blue Hill’s application for a Bicycle and Pedestrian Program grant from the Maine Department of Transportation.

We need your help to complete the Town of Blue Hill’s application for a Bicycle and Pedestrian Program grant from the Maine Department of Transportation.

The application is due no later than August 2017, and Blue Hill is asking for $500,000 toward our Sidewalks and Pathways Initiative. MDOT requires that 20% ($100,000) be guaranteed through local funds; warrant article #58 will be voted on at the Blue Hill Town Meeting on April 8 to make that guarantee.

Blue Hill Community Development is launching a fundraising campaign to reduce the Town’s outlay toward the $100,000. By endorsing the warrant article, you will be supporting increased connectivity in Blue Hill with pedestrian-friendly walking loops, bicycle passage, and improved safety.

For more information on the MDOT grant, visit www.maine.gov/mdot/pga/funding.

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