There will be a public meeting on March 23, 7:00pm at Town Hall to introduce the project to interested members of the Blue Hill community.
At the meeting, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Access committee and members of the Blue Hill Community Development Board will:
Introduce the Blue Hill Community Development organization
- Mission
- Capabilities offered
- Request for project ideas (and criteria and constraints)
Describe the proposed project
- Background and overall objectives
- Proposed scope of the comprehensive project
- Available sources of funding
- Plans for developing Phase 1
Outline actions to date:
- Project outline/map/draft priorities
- Formation of BHCD
- Initial investigation of MDOT “Bicycle and Pedestrian Program” grant process
- Initial investigation of Dept. of Agriculture “Recreational Trails Program” grant process
- Presentation on the proposed project to Blue Hill Selectmen
Solicit feedback on the project
- Nothing is even close to “final” at this point—the design, priorities, and phasing are all in early draft form, and constructive suggestions are welcomed
Address how the community can help
- Financial support for pre-application engineering
- “Local contribution” commitments for construction costs
- Organizational and philanthropic “legwork” to keep the project moving
- Supporting the article at the April 8 Blue Hill Town Meeting